Wednesday 27 April 2016

Ottawa Trip Final Payment and Permission Forms

Our Ottawa trip is fast approaching! An information package has been sent home with  your child regarding the final payment, important information and permission forms that need to be signed.

Here is a summary of the important information:

1) The final cost has been set at $532.35. Your final payment of $407.35 ($532.35-$125 depotsit) is due as soon as possible and no later than Thursday, May 5, 2016.

2) Departure: We will leave the school on May 18 at 7:30 am sharp! Please arrive by 7:10 am with your luggage.

3) The package sent home included the following forms. Please return all SIX forms to your child's homeroom teacher by Monday, May 2.

The forms are:
1) Student/Parent contract for student expectations
2) Informed consent agreement
3) Personal information form
4) Medical information form
5) Self-administration of medication form
6) Altitude gym participation agreement

Thank you!